Wednesday, September 7, 2011

These ARE a few of my favortie things.

As uncomfortable as it is for me to admit it, I have an annoying habit. 
Let me just start by saying that I like a lot of things. And when I like something I like it. That is the end of the story, for the most part. I don't usually change my mind. I also fall for and hard. This often leads to me saying something is "my favorite." It happens a lot. The habit has been noticed by my close friends and then mocked. I don't particularly see this habit as a problem, other than it makes me seem flighty and noncommittal. Which I am not, so now is the time for change. Unfortunately, I will still probably call things my favorite when they are not, in fact, "my favorite." It is bound to happen. However, in hopes of defining, more for myself than for someone else, just what I do consider my favorite I have compiled my short list. In no particular order.

1. Having a deeply profound conversation with a complete stranger.

2. Having borderline meaningless conversations with my best friends.

3. Damn near any shade of green you can think of.

4. Potatoes, in any known incarnation.

5. The first time I smell fall in the air, particularly after a long, hot summer. Or the first time I smell spring after winter.

6. Staying up until 4 in the morning to write because the ideas will fly away if I don't capture them on paper. 
7. The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald

8. Rooms filled floor to ceiling with books. Bookcases in general.

9. Fresh flowers. (Lilacs, lavender, and antique roses)

10. Helping a friend who will appreciate the gesture, not expect it.

11. Old Photographs; the idea of, in some way, connecting with people who are gone from this world.

12. Doing little things for people...just because. 

13. Music that takes me away from the moment and forces me into my own mind.

14. Campfires.

15. Beating myself at my own game.

16. People who are willing to display strong emotion.

17. Being alone, in the woods at sunrise.

18. The way I feel after taking a shower for the first time in a few days.

19. The way it feels to build (or rebuild) something with your own two hands.

20. The 1956 Jaguar Roadster. Yes, a car, I know. But look at this thing. Everything about it is sexy.

Oh, and Goodfellas has to be one of the greatest movies of all time.